How 10 Minutes Can Send Your Energy Into Overdrive

I am not an energetic person.  I'm driven and productive (which is good, because I have a LOT to do), but I usually just slog it out without energy!

My husband and I recently completed Whole30. I was promised amazing energy. I got a 2-day boost near the very end. I was disappointed to say the least.

Then I remembered a James Clear article I read where he talked about starting new habits.

I know that I need to exercise. In theory, I even WANT to exercise. But then I sit on the couch, because it feels better. Or I deal with a crying child or put wet clothes in the dryer or sweep cereal off the floor.

So I finally DID something. I went to bed in my workout leggings and set my alarm for a measly 15 earlier than normal.

When the alarm went off, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put my shoes on, and walked on my treadmill for 7 minutes before I had to start getting kids up for school. You know what? I felt AMAZING! I had energy ALL DAY. My attitude was SO MUCH BETTER because I woke up by myself instead of with someone crying in my face that they were ready for their toast.

Each day, I set my alarm for 1 minute earlier than the previous day so I would slowly get up earlier and increase my workout time. It wasn't hard.

But Jen, you say, I don't have a treadmill. How am I supposed to do that? Our Exercise at HOME board has TONS of great ideas!

And guess what? You don't even have to wait until tomorrow morning to get started! Stand up and do as many squats as you can right now (shoot for 30)! It may initially burn, but you'll feel better, I promise! (I do standing ab exercises while I wait for my 3yo to finish on the potty!)


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